N Ch Bogerudmyra's Caron

 «Old Manila»

1978 - 1990


Sire: INT NORD Ch Buckaan of Oldwell

Dam:Bogerudåsen's Royal Rubis Rose


Our foundation bitch. 


 Breeder: Marit Sunde

 Owned by Hilde Kjeldby




Manila had one litter when she was 6 years old.

She was healthy all her long life.

She got her championship in 1981, when she was BOS at Nordic Winnershow in Oslo.

She also exhibited as a veteran, 11 years old,

for judge Mrs. Fran Harris (England).

Her critic was:

"Very fit and active 11 year old bitch. Nice overall confirmation, seems to enjoy her day. A credit to her owner".



Old Manila with young Echo

When Manila was 11 years old, I got little Echo - and Manila took her into her life right away